Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sock Monkey!

Okay, so I am hooked! I LOVE our new set Sock Monkey! I think I have to get a kit and make myself one of these cute little Monkeys!

This is one great sample I was able to photograph as I was already "swapped out" at this point.
This one uses some of our punches to create a "setting" for the cute little monkey. This card is so cute! I took this picture before a general session when I was all out of the swaps I had brought for the day.
Swapping is such fun! I came home with TONS of great new samples! I will share them with you a few at a time over the coming weeks and months.
Thanks for stopping in today!

1 comment:

jessgaletanner said...

I just bought a Sock Monkey Kit from Michael's in Keene...they were $9.99. I thought it'd be a cute way for me to advertise the new set. TFS!
