Saturday, August 9, 2008

More Convention Highlights

Okay I am not sure I can top the UPS highlight but I do have a few things to share with you! Also a fellow SU demonstrator and blogger was right up front and got a couple GREAT pics of the UPS truck out in front of the stage. Click over to Dannie Graves' Blog and check it out!

So now for the things I want to share with you. I have a wonderful upline! I begins with my first level Lisa Bunce and goes up via Cindy Lawrence, Karen Barber and Tina Rosenkranz. Tina's group is called INKredible and we were able to get together on Friday evening for dinner, swaping and idea sharing!!

Here is a picture of my terrific upline minus Lisa as she was unable to attend convention this year. They are from left to right Karen, Tina and Cindy. You can click over to Tina's blog to see a pictue of the nearly 90 folks from her downline that were at convention and attended this dinner. It was a lot of fun and I feel very fortunate to be a part of this great family!

I am still trying to get pictures taken of all the great swaps I got at could take a while as I got more than 200 swaps!!

For now how about a few pictures of the 3-D displays that they had set up at convention?

There were so many fabulous creations! I was truely amazed at some of them!

Have a terrific Saturday!

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